How to integrate MarTech with Edge Delivery Services?
This page will guide you through integrating MarTech (Marketing Technologies such as Tag Manager, Adobe Target, Adobe Experience Platform, Adobe Analytics, etc.) with Edge Delivery Service for AEM.
First Party ID
The FPID solution allows organizations to have full control over their cookie lifetime spans and ensures more precise accuracy in creating and storing their real-time, streaming ECID service in Experience Platform.
Personalization & Optimization
When discussing the personalization and A/B testing of websites, there’s always a debate about how these features affect web performance and user experience.
Tag Manager Integration
Best practices for adding Tag Manager to your website running on Edge Delivery Services to have all Marketing tools at your disposal and also mitigate performance issues.
Hybrid Personalization
Hybrid personalization describes the process of retrieving personalization content server-side, using the Edge Network Server API, and rendering it client-side, using the Web SDK.
Data Layer
A data layer is a JavaScript object that collects data on your website in a standardized way.
Consent Management
What impact does loading Consent Management popup has on the Website page speed and how can we have the best user experience?
Experimentation is the practice of making your site more effective by changing content or functionality, comparing the results with the prior version, and picking the improvements that have measurable effects.